January 21, 2008

The Transition Blog

Long time no blog, but hey, what are you going to do..... take my "blogger's license"? This blog is 21 days overdue, but alas, it has arrived. Better late than never, right? Hopefully everyone is settled in for 2008. As for resolutions, I don't make those, but if you do that's cool. I mean let's think about it for a moment- we're all adults and we are well aware of the things that we need to do to better ourselves. Just do it! As far as 2007 is concerned, I feel that I left that year older and wiser. Physically, I lost a cousin to a car accident in May, but the funny things is, through his death I found out the role that I played in his life. It's crazy how a funeral can teach you so much about a person, even if you are around them often enough to claim that you "know" them. Through his death I also realized that God balances things out; consequently, another boy was born into that branch of my family around Thanksgiving. The 4th quarter of 2007 taught me a lot too, I learned not to take various daily tasks and situations for granted, basically I learned to appreciate the smallest of things that occur in my life. The 4th quarter of 2007 also taught me to be patient in my actions. Long story short- time off afforded me the opportunity to learn and to construct strategies for 2008. 2008 will introduce an improved, more productive me to the world. I entered 2008 humbled and excited about the vast possibilities that exist beyond the horizon. The transition is apparent........
Happy (Belated) New Year!
P.S.- Special shout outs are in order to those that support me unconditionally, through my ups and my downs. I don't have to name drop, because you should know who you are, right? LOL! Sincerely, much love to you all. I'm off to work.......